Sunday, October 26, 2008

RUN!! Here comes (yet) another blog!

Let's start by being honest: I didn't want to do this.

I mean, I like writing, no doubt about it. But the idea of kicking off my blog, even a work-related one, didn't really appeal to me. What would be the point? Won't I merely be repeating the same pearls of wisdom found across the web?

And yet...

When Macadamian's article "Code Reviews - Part of Your Complete Breakfast" was published in a couple magazines, two things happened. First, unsurprisingly, people started pointing out that we weren't really adding anything new to the topic, and were merely repeating what had been said elsewhere.

However, for each of those naysayers, we also got people thanking us about the article. It appeared that those people, although most of them did already believe what we said, appreciated hearing about it from a fresh angle. In some cases, they simply enjoyed getting "a refresher" on the topic.

From that point on, we as a company decided that we would strive to share our knowledge as much as possible, having concluded that the willingness to share knowledge is as important (if not more) than the extent of that knowledge.

In other words, we might not be the most knowledgeable on a topic, but we'll tell you what we know. ;-)

So that's what convinced me to go ahead with a work-related blog. Perhaps I won't bring any new ideas, but I definitely intent to share a new perspective on a few things.

Same truths. Different voice.

1 comment:

  1. Nice first post Gilles and welcome to the blogosphere!

    You suffer the same syndrome than many of us, who think that we are never expert enough to create worth-reading blog posts. As Francis put it out nicely this morning (in a meeting) an expert is someone who knows what they do not know and knows what to do in such situation - or something like that (and maybe other things he added that I forget)...

    Your years of experience have certainly thought you tricks that many of us would benefits being aware of.
